If you’re still using cotton buds to clean your ears – PLEASE STOP NOW!!!
Many ear problems are actually caused by people trying to clean their ears by poking around with inappropriate objects like cotton buds.
Using a cotton bud can actually make more earwax by irritating the ear and can push much of your earwax back into your ear, creating a blockage. They can also cause a hole or tear in the eardrum, known as a perforated eardrum. This can be pretty uncomfortable and can cause temporary hearing loss, which can last for a few weeks or months, until the eardrum heals itself.
Your ear canal very cleverly cleans itself. So the best advice is to leave it well alone and to only clean your outer ear using a wet flannel.
For more advice about the symptoms or treatment of a perforated eardrum, take a look at NHS Choices or see your GP.
So now you’re not going to use your cotton buds for cleaning out your ears anymore, what exactly are you going to do with them? We’ve found a list of 21 hearing-friendly uses for cotton buds which we’re very happy to share.
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