Recent studies have shown a strong link between our hearing and our physical and mental health.
So if you’re asking others to repeat themselves, turning up the volume on the TV or finding it hard to follow conversation in noisy places it may be a good idea to get your hearing checked.
You can have a FREE hearing assessment, by one of our expert audiologists, if you join us at our Hearing and Health Open Day from 10.30am - 3pm at Arlington Arts, Mary Hare, Newbury RG14 3BQ.
10.30am - 10.45am
Welcome from Peter Gale, Head Teacher - Mary Hare Secondary School
10.45am - 11.30am
Health in Hearing presentation by Tony Gunnell, Education and Training Audiologist - Starkey Hearing Technologies
11.30am - 3pm
Tour of Mary Hare Secondary School with Anne Munby, Fundraiser - Mary Hare Foundation
Event closes
Throughout your visit please enjoy our complimentary refreshments. Don’t forget to enter our free prize draw and pick up your free information pack.
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